The chemicals used in fireworks take their toll on the environment by causing water supply contamination and even acid rain.Their use also deposits physical litter on the groung and water for miles around.Some U.S. states and local government restricts the use of fireworks in accordance with guidelined set by The Clean Air Act.
Of course, firework displays are not restricted to use in U.S. independence day only,but is increasing in popularity in various countries some of which do not follow strct air pollution standards,According to the ecologist, the millenium celebrations 2000,caused worldwide pollution through out,filling the skies over populated areas with 'carcinogenic sulphur compounds and airborne arsenols'.
Do we really need fireworks?Many environmental and public safety advocates,rather see the celebration of Fourth of July in U.S. and other holidays without the use of pyrotechnics.Meanwhile,laser light shows can wow a crowd without the negative effects of fireworks.
There is a lot more we should be worrying about. Fireworks are not just for you to watch. People make a living at them. Take them away and you take peoples living away. Stop wooring about stupid things like fireworks. There is a lot of dirty stuff around. Get over it. If you don't like them then don't watch them. If you don't like the smell then don't smell them. if you don't want your job taken away then don't take one from somebody else. You don't want you rights taken away the don't take rights from somebody else.
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